Explore the World – General Knowledge, Problem-Solving & Creativity
Explore the World is one of the four e-learning modules of the programme, Arthur the Elf – Learn & Play. It should be covered once the modules Speak, Read and Write have been completed.
The module, for children aged 6-9 years old, supports the development of general knowledge, encourages creativity as well as problem-solving skills.
Explore the World offers an English & EAL version, a French & FLE version and a Bilingual Education version. It is suitable for native language speakers as well as language learners who are proficient in the target language.

The E-Learning Module
The e-learning module is organised into three integral parts:
- General Knowledge : The stories teach children about history, geography, science and math. At the end of each story there are vocabulary-building activities and comprehension exercises.
- Problem-Solving : The topics covered in the stories (history, geography, science or math) get reinforced through a wide range of games supporting critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
- Creativity: The structured and fun activities consolidate the topics covered in the stories. Children are encouraged to use their creativity. They engage in arts & crafts, creative writing, and much more.
Each version of the module includes: lesson plans, progress assessments and more.
English, French & Bilingual Education
English & EAL (English as an additional language)
Explore the World (English & EAL) is a module suitable for native speakers aged 6-8 years old. It is also suitable for language learners aged 7-9 years old who are proficient in English.
Children develop knowledge in history, geography, science, and math. The activities support the development of creativity and critical thinking skills.
The module complements the British curriculum.

French & FLE (Français langue étrangère)
Explore le monde (Français & FLE) is designed for native speakers aged 6-8 years old. It is also suitable for language learners aged 7-9 years old who are proficient in the target language.
The stories and educational resources work alongside the French curriculum (CE1 & CE2) and allow children to develop general knowledge, learn to think critically and develop creativity.

Bilingual Education (English – French)
The module Explore the World – Explore le monde (Bilingual) is suitable for children who are bilingual.
The stories and materials are suitable for children aged 6-8 years old.
Children develop solid knowledge in history, geography, science, and maths. They also gain strong language and literacy skills.
The module is suitable for children receiving a bilingual education (English – French).

Register & Join our Network
The three versions of the module, Explore the World (English & EAL), Explore le monde (Français & FLE), and Explore the World – Explore le monde (Bilingual), are available through subscription packages.
The module can be used teachers and parents.
To find out more, please register today.